Our Women's program is designed to accommodate DFCS, accountability court, and self referral clients. We offer several opportunities for visitation with children, both supervised and within the community. We also have pass lengths to allow for the time with family to remain bonded as women are often the sole parent of children.
The program is a phased program. The phases and their base requirements for the 12 month track are as follows depending on the need of the client.
Orientation: First 4 weeks/1 month of Phase 1(2 groups, 2 outside meetings, introduction to the rules and privileges earned, shadowed). Must be employed before orientation phase ends.
Phase 1: 12 weeks/3 months (2 Groups, 2 outside meetings and privileges earned, shadowed, monitors orientation phase, 4–8-hour pass)
Phase 2: 12 weeks/3 months (2-3 Groups, 2 outside meetings, monitors phase 1, 8–12-hour pass)
Phase 3: 12 weeks/3 months (2 Groups, 2 outside meetings, monitors any participant in a lower phase, house management, 12-to-24-hour pass)
Phase 4: 12 weeks/3 months (2 groups, 2 outside meetings, mentor to lower participant and monitors any phase participant, 24-to-36-hour pass)
Aftercare: 8 weeks/ 2 months (Minimal participation to adjust to living off-site,1 group monthly, 1 weekly outside meeting, weekly check-in via phone and/or in-person, monitors all participants, live off property)
Graduate: After completing the program, any graduate will have access to aftercare group monthly, counseling/case management appointments, and visit property. Graduates can sponsor or sit in any group or take residents to meetings as they wish with staff approval.
Adjusted 6 month minimum program (O-4 wk, P1- 6 wk, P2- 6 wk, P3-6 wk, P4-6 wk, and Aftercare-4 wk). This track is only for voluntary or DFCS clients.
Finishing Phase 4 is a letter of completion. Finishing Aftercare is a certificate of graduation and commencement ceremony.